The Community Cancer Services is a non-profit organization that provides assistance for cancer patients in Bonner and Boundary County.
The organization was founded in 2002 by Heather Gibson and Cynthia Dalsing in 2003. At that time, the organization served 18 patients.
Their services range from assistance with medical expenses, grocery vouchers, gas vouchers or aid in finding transportation to appointments or treatments, and support from Licensed Clinical Psychologists that offer one-on-one or group settings. CCS also offers support to clients through their boutique with wigs, hats, scarves and post mastectomy products. They partner with the American Cancer Society’s program “Look Good, Feel Better.”
How to quality for assistance from the Community Cancer Services
CCS provides services to anyone in Bonner or Boundary County with a cancer diagnosis. Simply fill out the application. With a release from the client, CCS will then verify the diagnosis with a provider listed on the paperwork.
Services extend for 6 months after the patient is declared cancer-free.
How to support Community Cancer Services
This organization is funded by grants and community support, including local events like the “Mad Hatter Tea” and “A Night to Remember” Wine dinner.