The Panida is a historic building in downtown Sandpoint.
The Panida is one of the most iconic buildings in downtown Sandpoint. But here are 5 things that you may not have known about the theater:
- The Panida opened in 1927. Back then, it was a vaudeville (showcasing song, comedy and dance) and movie house.
- The name Panida is short for PANhandle of IDAho. In case you ever wondered what the name “Panida” actually stood for – it’s a tribute to the place it calls home!
- In 1985, the Panida underwent major restoration. It was saved, thanks to this great local community, which helped with fundraising for the restoration.
- The Panida is on the National Register of Historic Places. It holds many different awards and recognitions.
- There are over 144 performances scheduled annually. And with an average attendance of nearly 230, they’re all well visited in our small town community.
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