Sandpoint Idaho is well known for bordering the amazing Lake Pend Oreille, however if you ever ask someone from here where they are located, they likely will tell you something like “We live next to one of the deepest lakes in the USA, and we are right below the Canadian border”,
So how far is Sandpoint Idaho from Canadian Border? Well, I dug in to figure out exactly how far, and have found that we are exactly 59.1 miles (about 1 hour 8 minutes by car) from Sandpoint, to the Canadian border.

Of course this is just one of the ways to the Canadian border by car, and I chose to go through Porthill Idaho, which acts as an in-between for people going from the USA to Canada.
Where do you drive through to get to the border?
Around here it isn’t always about the destination, but also the journey to getting there! Well then, what towns are you going to be seeing on your short journey to the border?
Firstly, you will pass by Colburn, which isn’t really quite a town, rather than a crossroads of Colburn and Highway 2.
From there you will continue on the highway until you drive past Naples, and of course the last larger town (its Idaho people) Bonners Ferry. Bonners Ferry has a lot of awesome sights, including a quiet small downtown, and it borders a very nice Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge that has some great hiking trails (this is a recommended stop on your way).
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After you leave Bonners Ferry, there aren’t many other towns you will run into until Porthill! However there will be plenty of sights to see.
Once you reach Porthill, you will find that it borders not only the Canadian Border, but the Kootenay River also meets it there as well.
If you are looking for a nice quick drive from Sandpoint, driving to the Canadian border “Just to say you have” is a great way to pass time.
Make sure to stop along the way to see some amazing sights, and enjoy your drive!