Winter in Sandpoint, Idaho is a great time to go out and enjoy the snow. There are many bike paths that provide scenic views of Sandpoint’s winter scenery without having to worry about ice on the ground. In this article we will explore bike paths in Sandpoint that you should take advantage of during winter!

[Stock image – Not Sandpoint]

1. Sandcreek Trail

If you are looking for the easiest trail to ride during the winter, then this is going to be your best bet! If you start from the city beach entrance, this trail is normally plowed for a good portion of the trail (up until where the path splits off to the bypass). This makes for a pleasant, almost summer like bike ride.

That said, it is winter, so keep an eye out for ice!

If you are adventurous, you can continue past where the pathway is plowed, and you can make your way all the way into Ponderay if you would like, as this is also the join bike path between Dover, Sandpoint and Ponderay as well.

2. Pend d’Oreille Bay “POB” Trail

This flat trail is 1.5 miles of winter wonderland during the later months (and earlier) of the year. You make your way along the lake, and get to enjoy snow, water, ice and more. The pathway is not plowed by any means, however it is frequently trafficked, leaving the snow packed down for the most part (unless you are the first one out there of course).

I probably would only attempt this trail with a fat tire bike, or a thicker tired mountain bike during the winter months due to the snow.

[Stock image, not Sandpoint]

3. Pine Street Woods

If you are on the hunt for a more mountain bike adventure, instead of flat paths, and want to stay near town, it doesn’t get much better than the Pine Street Woods. They have an increasing amount of pathways throughout the area, and all of them area awesome for usage with fat tire bikes during the winter.

While you are there, you could always cross country ski, snow shoe, or just take a nice walk. This is one of my favorite areas to visit if I want to get out into nature quickly and easily.

4. Schweitzer Mountain

If you haven’t spent any time up on Schweitzer, you probably should! During the winter months, they have plenty of trails that you can go out bicycling, and other winter sports. A great one to visit, that is closer to town, is view-ski loop, which is right at the round a bout when you get to the top of the hill.

Another great option, is to join Greasy Fingers, as they offer fat tire bike rentals regularly during the winter. This will allow you to join a group of people out biking, and have a bit of fun.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of bike should you have for winter in Sandpoint, Idaho?

A fat tire bike is going to be your best bet for winter riding! These bikes offer wide wheels that give you the most grip on ice, and the most surface area for grip in the snow. If that isn’t possible, I would recommend getting yourself some studded tires for your mountain bike.

Are there any good groups for winter bicycling?

There is a great group in the area named “Pend Oreille Pedalers”. They are not only a great group to go riding with, but they also are the ones that maintain many of the trails in the area, including Pine Street Woods.

Is Sandpoint a good place to go winter cycling?

It doesn’t get much better for winter biking than in Sandpoint, Idaho. We have the amazing winter wonderlands, awesome mountains, and of course the lake, meaning you have some of the best views in the USA.


Sandpoint, Idaho has some of the best biking trails for winter. You should definitely get out and enjoy them, when normally you would be stuck inside, with the darker nights, and less light.